
What Is Kambo?

‘Kambo’ is the gelatinous secretion produced by the skin glands of the Phyllomedusa bicolor(the giant monkey tree frog), a bright green tree frog native to the Amazon regions of northern Brazil, eastern Peru, southeastern Colombia, and parts of Venezuela, Bolivia, and the Guianas.
The secretion is considered to be part of the innate immune system of the frog. It is produced by stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system in response to tissue damage, a threat from any predator, or systemic stress. The secretion contains a large number of highly concentrated bioactive polypeptides, which are opening new fields in biomedical and psycho-spiritual research.

The Matses

Although many tribes in the upper Amazon work with Kambo, I am initiated into the Matses lineage. The Matses, aslo know as the Mayoruna in Brazil, sit with Kambo for many reasons: for hunting, ward off the enemy, fertility, behavioral correction, disharmony with nature, sadness and mental, physical and spiritual weakness to name a few. 

Matses Family<br />
Photo: Pavol Stranak

If you would like to support the Matses or the Amazon, I have included a couple of links. Thank you. 


Humans create over 7000 peptides internally.

Peptides are responsible for all the cells carrying out all the jobs that they are supposed to. Essentially, Peptides keep the body in homeostasis. 16 bioactive peptides have been isolated in Kambo thus far.

Peptides are important for human physiology and biology in general. Many of our hormones and signaling molecules are peptides, including endorphins, oxytocin, and insulin.

Why Kambo is so miraculous...

The peptides in Kambo are natural, so the body recognizes them and unlocks cells to the benefits of the medicine without stressing them.  This is not the same as pharmaceutical drugs, which often have to break into cells, generally leaving behind a residue and causing some stress in the body. Although not fully studied, it is believed to be able to penetrate the blood brain barrier.